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“As soon as it becomes your profession to critique a book, or movie, or record then, not only do you lose your passion for it, but it loses validity for whoever you’re trying to turn it onto because they’re going to be approaching it from a consumer’s point of view, not from a professional writer’s point of view.”
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Friday, May 25, 2007
Neil Young: Time Fades Away

I'm taking Memorial Day Weekend off so here's a treat in my absence. I made this available back in 2005 and it seems only fitting to make it available here again for a limited time. Make sure you sign the petition to get this released onto cd. It seems to be working with Massey Hall and Fillmore finally being officially released, maybe we can get this one next. Enjoy the holidy.
"Anyone who has followed Neil Young's career knows enough not to expect a simple evening of mellow good times when they see him in concert, but in 1973, when Young hit the road after Harvest had confirmed his status as a first-echelon rock star, that knowledge wasn't nearly as common as it is today. Young's natural inclinations to travel against the current of audience expectations were amplified by a stormy relationship between himself and his touring band, as well as the devastating death of guitarist Danny Whitten, who died of a drug overdose shortly after being given his pink slip during the first phase of tour rehearsals. The shows that followed turned into a nightly exorcism of Young's rage and guilt, as well as a battle between himself and an audience who, expecting to hear "Old Man" and "Heart of Gold," didn't know what to make of the electric assault they witnessed.
All the more remarkably, Young brought along a mobile recording truck to capture the tour on tape for a live album and the result, Time Fades Away, was a ragged musical parade of bad karma and road craziness, opening with Young bellowing "14 junkies, too weak to work" on the title cut, and closing with "Last Dance," in which he tells his fans "you can live your own life" with all the optimism of a man on the deck of a sinking ship. While critics and fans were not kind to Time Fades Away upon first release, decades later it sounds very much of a piece with Tonight's the Night and On the Beach, albums that explored the troubled zeitgeist of America in the mid-'70s in a way few rockers had the courage to face. If the performances are often loose and ragged, they're also brimming with emotional force, and despite the dashed hopes of "Yonder Stands the Sinner" and "Last Dance," "Don't Be Denied" is a moving remembrance of Young's childhood and what music has meant to him, and it's one of the most powerful performances Young ever committed to vinyl. Few rockers have been as willing as Young to lay themselves bare before their audience, and Time Fades Away ranks with the bravest and most painfully honest albums of his career -- like the tequila Young was drinking on that tour, it isn't for everyone, but you may be surprised by its powerful effects."AMG
An outstanding live album and a must for any Neil Young fan. Enjoy Time Fades Away...
.: Time Fades Away .: Journey Through the Past .: Yonder Stands the Sinner .: L.A. .: Love in Mind .: Don't Be Denied .: The Bridge .: Last Dance
.: ZIP File of Time Fades Away
Sign the petition to get the album released on cd
posted by Matt Hayhurst @ 8:14 AM

At 9:59 PM, said…
Great post, incredible album... and let's not forget that when this live album was first released, none of the songs on it had ever been released.. who else has ever put out a live album of completely unreleased songs? (Rick Wakeman's "Journey to the center of the earth", maybe?) Genius... .pure, crazed, tortured, wayward, "true-to-self" genius :)
At 6:27 AM, said…
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