The Perm & The Skullet is a non-profit music blog devoted to bringing you music of all kinds.
Although we prefer that rustic, acoustic, unusual, whiskey soaked sound, we do like music of all styles and genres. If you have something you think we should listen to, by all mean, let us know.
All Links and MP3s are for sampling, evaluation, and introduction purposes only and are intended to provide exposure to said artist / film / site etc...
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Most Mp3 samples are only available for a limited time, usually a week or two. If there is something you missed, and it is currently unavailable or out of print, please let us know and we can see what we can do.
MP3s, Links, and Images can easily be taken down, so if you are the owner or their representation, and would like said link or file removed, just let us know and we'€™ll be happy to do so. You can E-mail me directly here for any questions or concerns or submissions.
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Quote by: Will Oldham
“As soon as it becomes your profession to critique a book, or movie, or record then, not only do you lose your passion for it, but it loses validity for whoever you’re trying to turn it onto because they’re going to be approaching it from a consumer’s point of view, not from a professional writer’s point of view.”
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The Perm & The Skullet
9100 Cub Trail
Raleigh, NC 27615
I promise to listen to everything, but due to the large amount of material I receive, I can not guarantee review. Thanks!
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Dennis Wilson: Pacific Ocean Blue
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Saturday, May 19, 2007
Nathan Oliver

When I heard Nathan Oliver's music, literally my first thoughts were, "where has this guy been?". How have I managed to overlook a great talent in my own backyard? ( Unfortunately I'm sure this happens more often than I like to think) Then I read his one sheet and the first line reads, "Where has Nathan Oliver been hiding all this time?" See I'm not the only one, but I'm glad I found him.
On his S/T release on Pox World Empire, Nathan creates somber/shaded pop-folk with just enough edge, just enough to get you moving and excited about what music in the Triangle area can be.
He belongs somewhere in between an Elliott Smith heart with a Shins/Spoon feel, scoring a Wes Anderson film, and underlying it all is something I've yet to put my finger on. That something that is waiting to break out. Who knows, maybe it has and I'm just not privy to it yet, but what I do know is that Oliver joins a growing cast of amazing troubadours living in the area and you just need to listen to the tracks below to hear it.
.: Black Ship White Sails .: State Lines Pt. 1
Nathan will be performing tomorrow night (May 20th at 8pm) at The Blend in Chapel Hill with The Watchers (Chicago), Shakermaker, Betty and the Boys, and LA Toy.
[website] [myspace]
posted by Matt Hayhurst @ 10:03 AM

At 6:32 AM, said…
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