The Perm & The Skullet is a non-profit music blog devoted to bringing you music of all kinds.

Although we prefer that rustic, acoustic, unusual, whiskey soaked sound, we do like music of all styles and genres. If you have something you think we should listen to, by all mean, let us know.

All Links and MP3s are for sampling, evaluation, and introduction purposes only and are intended to provide exposure to said artist / film / site etc... If you like it, please go buy it.

Online, we recommend Insound, emusic or directly from the artist or their label. Locally, we recommend Schoolkids Records or Bull City Records.

Most Mp3 samples are only available for a limited time, usually a week or two. If there is something you missed, and it is currently unavailable or out of print, please let us know and we can see what we can do.

MP3s, Links, and Images can easily be taken down, so if you are the owner or their representation, and would like said link or file removed, just let us know and we'€™ll be happy to do so. You can E-mail me directly here for any questions or concerns or submissions.

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Quote by:
Will Oldham

“As soon as it becomes your profession to critique a book, or movie, or record then, not only do you lose your passion for it, but it loses validity for whoever you’re trying to turn it onto because they’re going to be approaching it from a consumer’s point of view, not from a professional writer’s point of view.”


You can mail any materials to me electronically here or hard copy at:

The Perm & The Skullet
9100 Cub Trail
Raleigh, NC 27615

I promise to listen to everything, but due to the large amount of material I receive, I can not guarantee review. Thanks!






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Saturday, June 18, 2005

DVD Excitement

First off hopefully everyone picked up a copy of the newly rematered and re-edited Samuel Fuller film, The Big Red One. I have the original theatrical version (the one that the studio cut), but this new version has an extended 40min of footage and is closer to the way the great late Fuller would have wanted it. There are also some great extras on the disc. All this being said, if you have never heard Fuller talk and speak about his experiences, this is a must. What an entertaining man.

Also extremely excited about the Errol Morris box set slated for release July 26th. The box set will include his best work, Gates of Heaven, Vernon, Florida, and The Thin Blue Line. If you have not seen any of his documentries, these are the three to see. This was origianlly scheduled to be released in February, but I guess something came up. Visit his website you have the time it is really well done.

One more bit of dvd news. One of my favorite directors will be releasing 2 of his lesser known films on dvd. This man is Werner Herzog and the films are Land of Silence and Darkness and Signs of Life. Both will be released on July 5th. If you are unfamilar with Herzog, first get the Herzog/Kinski box set. The films included in that set are some of my favorite films, but these two are great works. Check out his personal website for more info on upcoming projects.

posted by Matt Hayhurst @ 2:57 PM


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